Our study locations
Our study locations focus on areas in the deep sea that are ecologically and biologically significant areas (EBSAs).
Seamounts are mountains that are over 1000 m tall that are found below the ocean’s surface.
Within our waters there are over 65 seamounts! Many have been discovered in the past 6 years and 45 seamounts now have temporary place nameholders of NEPDEP until our coast First Nation communities have an opportunity to name these special places.
Seamounts are biological hotspots of diversity and abundance. They create create complex current patterns and provide hard substrate that drive complex food webs.
Hydrothermal Vents
Hydrothermal vents areas where super-heated, mineral-rich water get shot out of the seafloor like hot springs. They happen in areas where the seafloor is spreading and the the seawater gets heated by the Earth’s core.
Within our waters we have active hydrothermal vent fields, site that are not longer active, and sites where seawater gets recharged (drawn into the seafloor) and discharged (pushed out of the seafloor - slightly warmer).
Hydrothermal vents are biological hotspots of abundance and unique animals. Bacterial used the chemicals in the super-heated, mineral-rich water to create carbon and build complex food webs.